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Joan Collins


United Kingdom

JOBS ABROAD * Worked in that particular country more than once

Dusseldorf: Candid Camera on TV
Bonn: Advert : Wine advertisement with Prince Charles’ Look Alike
Berlin: TV Commercial
Hamburg: Fashion shop opening
Berlin: One Hundred Millionth Beetle Car Promotion

Vienna: Theatre Complex Openings

Milan: TV - walk on part in top show
Parma: Advertising Ladies Fashionable Sunglasses

Madrid: TV - walk on part in top show
Zaragosa Multi Cinema opening

Istanbul: 4 Night-club openings in 3 days

Amsterdam: TV Commercial
Amsterdam: Night Club openings
Rotterdam: Oscar Night in new Club
Amsterdam: Doubled for Joan Collins at the first showing of a film she starred in in Holland

Copenhagen: TV - Guest on top show
Copenhagen: TV - Commercial for MacDonalds

Cardiff - The Butterfly Ball

Glasgow: Night Club Openings
Renfrew: Night Club Openings
Glasgow: House of Fraser [T.V. programme]
Edinburgh: 5 days with Sky T.V.

Have worked all over England

Have appeared many times in National Newspapers - recently in Take A Break Magazine and very recently, The Evening Standard and The Look Magazine of the Daily Mirror.

ITV Commercial for KIT KAT

Appeared on many English videos for various Clients including Pop Groups. Have also worked on videos for Germany, Sweden, Holland and Copenhagen – one or two or these were actually produced in Great Britain.


Rory Bremner
Pebblemill [Anne and Nick] - 3 times
Big Breakfast – 3 times
Crystal Rose
Ester Ranzan
The Very Famous Paul Ross Show
London Tonight (advertised the evening programme)
John Sinclair Morning Show
SKY [Home Shopping] Show
Noel's House Party - [twice]
Roland Rat Show
ITV : Guest of Lorraine Kelly
Children in Need - Liverpool and London
The Look Alike Agency on ITV [about look alikes during castings for Derrick’s Doubles]
She’s Gotta Have It – [fashion show hosted by Jane Middlemass]
Stars & Their Doubles for LWT in August 2001
Stars & Their Doubles for LWT in March 2002
The Weakest Link Look-Alike Special – May 2002
Double Take TV Series – March 2003
TV Promotion for The Simpsons’ 300th Edition – April 2003
Mick Hucknell Video called ‘Fake’ – May 2003
GMTV – The Expense of being a Look-Alike – November 2003
Rory Bremner and John Bird Show - October 2004
Talk-Talk Commercial for Big Brother – December 2004
Italian Magazine – February 2005
Party Magazine – April 2005
Identity – with Donny Osmond – July 2007
The One & Only (Sinatra Superfan) – BBC – Jan/Feb 2008

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